The smile is one of the most defining characteristics on a person’s face, but when it displays features that are considered unappealing, the smile can cause many social hindrances.

Excessive gingival display, or a “gummy smile” as it is more commonly called, is a cosmetic condition that occurs when the upper gums are too prominent when smiling. Those who suffer from the condition may feel self-conscious about the way their smile looks, and although many dentists and orthodontists offer treatment to relieve a gummy smile, many of these procedures are surgical and therefore very invasive and expensive.

BOTOX® has been shown to effectively treat the appearance of a gummy smile and is a much more manageable procedure to receive than surgery. With the use of two or more injections on either side of the mouth, the muscles on the face can relax and the lips can begin to cover up the gums, thereby creating a more aesthetically appealing smile. At Destination Aesthetics, we provide BOTOX® treatment for many cosmetic concerns, including the gummy smile, and if you are feeling self-conscious due to excessive gingival display, BOTOX® may be the right solution for you.

How Does BOTOX® Work?

BOTOX® is composed of the botulinum toxin type A, and when used for typical cosmetic purposes, the injectable is able to slightly weaken muscles that are causing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in the face. BOTOX® also effectively treats a variety of medical conditions, such as hyperhydrosis (excessive sweating), blepharospasm (excessive blinking), migraines and TMD, all of which are associated with the overstimulation of specific muscles in the face. When injected directly into the meat of the muscle, BOTOX® can relax and release much of the tension causing discomfort, leaving clients with more youthful qualities and a comfortable quality of life.

When a patient has a gummy smile condition, the same treatment method applies, where between one or two units of BOTOX® are injected into the muscle responsible for lifting the upper lip when smiling, which is located near the bottom of the nose. Once the BOTOX® is dispersed throughout the muscle, it will lose much of the tension causing the gummy smile and result in a lowered lip. Clients will be able to smile in a pleasing way without showing off too much of the gums.

Benefits of Gummy Smile Treatment

  • Treatment sessions take no longer than 30 minutes
  • Injections are minimally invasive and cause no pain
  • Results occur quickly compared to other methods
  • Each unit of BOTOX® is more cost-effective than surgical options
  • Injections can be adjusted based on treatment goals
  • Results look completely natural and proportional with the face
  • Downtime is not required when the procedure is finished

Treating Your Gummy Smile at Destination Aesthetics

A gummy smile is related specifically to muscles in the face that are contracting more intensely than what is necessary. BOTOX® essentially soothes the muscles so that the muscles no longer tighten as much. If you are curious about whether BOTOX® can treat your gummy smile, a complimentary consultation at Destination Aesthetics may be able to help you pinpoint your aesthetic goals. During a consultation, we assess your medical history as well as evaluate the treatment area in question in order to determine whether you are a good candidate for BOTOX® treatment. Afterwards, we have you sign necessary paperwork and take pictures of your appearance before treatment begins.

To administer the BOTOX®, it is vital that it is injected into the proper muscle, and to ensure this, you will be asked to smile in order to make the muscles more apparent. Small units of BOTOX® are then injected into both the left and right side of the face. You can return to your daily routine immediately after treatment, and after two weeks, you should begin to notice the results of BOTOX® treatment when smiling and realize that the upper lip is not capable or rising above the gum line. By using BOTOX®, the affected muscles return to a normal range of use and effectively produce a more attractive smile.

Although BOTOX® has been proven effective at treating a gummy smile, the solution is not permanent and will require maintenance injections every8-12 weeks. Those who are looking for a more permanent treatment for their gummy smile should consider surgical options. However, the impermanence of BOTOX® allows many recipients to adjust their treatment according to their needs at the time and effectively budget for each injection. The efficient and painless methods associated with receiving BOTOX® is also a tradeoff for many invasive techniques. The results of BOTOX® treatment look completely natural and fully improve the appearance of excessive gum display. If you would like more information about how BOTOX® can help treat your gummy smile, contact Destination Aesthetics and schedule a complimentary consultation.