As gravity continues to take hold on our skin, facial features can begin to sag and look sunken.

These detriments tend to occur around the forehead region, eyelids and eyebrows, where a frowning or worried countenance can start to become a constant expression. Alert and vibrant facial features can aid in looking young and refreshed, and one such way to maintain this look is with a nonsurgical brow lift in the form of injectables. At Destination Aesthetics, we combine a multitude of cosmetic procedures, including BOTOX®, Dysport, dermal fillers and ultherapy to volumize features in the face and promote a younger-looking appearance.

How Can a Brow Lift be Nonsurgical?

The use of injectables to lift drooping features in the face and create smoother skin has been around for decades, and with recent modernizations, fillers have begun to expand to almost any area of the face. One of the most telling signs of age is the eyes, and with a simple cosmetic procedure, you can take years off of your face.

The eyebrow region is an area that can significantly impact your means of expression, and if you have noticed that your typical demeanor has become tired, worried or even angry the cause could be stemming from the skin around your eyebrows. With a nonsurgical brow lift, fillers can be injected into strategic regions to relax the muscles associated with frown lines and smooth the wrinkles that are making you look older. The use of injectables involves no anesthesia, incisions or downtime, making it a gentle yet highly effective solution to improving the aesthetics on the face.

At Destination Aesthetics we offer various solutions for brow lift procedures, including:

  • BOTOX®/Dysport: An injectable that specifically targets muscles located in the glabellar complex, which is responsible for producing lines near the eyebrows and forehead. By injecting BOTOX® or Dysport, the muscles in the face no longer have to work as hard when you make facial expressions, leaving your skin looking smooth and vibrant.
  • Dermal fillers: A dermal filer is used primarily to treat smiles lines, but it can also be used as an enhancement to BOTOX® and Dysport when performing a nonsurgical brow lift. The filler can boost collagen production in the body, enabling your skin to eliminate wrinkles and restore volume near the eye region. Dermal filler injections are capable of lasting for over a year.
  • Ultherapy: An ultrasound technique that stimulates the growth of new collagen in order to lift the skin around the neck, chin and brow. The procedure is minimally invasive and requires no recovery time once completed. Multiple treatment sessions may need to take place and clients typically report seeing full results after six weeks.

Typically, combinations of fillers and BOTOX® and Dysport are used to create a brow lift effect, and the injectables administered are customized to suit your facial contours specifically. At Destination Aesthetics, our goal is to restore the youthful qualities of your skin while also considering the natural proportions of your face so that you can feel beautiful inside and out.

Benefits of Nonsurgical Brow Lift

The nonsurgical brow lift is ideal for those who wish to enhance their facial contours without using invasive techniques. Each injectable uses fine needles to administer the serum, hardly making it necessary to apply anesthetic. Additionally, non-invasive techniques allow for zero downtime once the procedure is complete and fewer risks when receiving treatment.

Many clients also specify that they do not want the permanence associated with surgical procedures, may not have the excess skin necessary to perform surgery and would prefer to receive a procedure in sessions rather than a single treatment in order to budget more efficiently.

Choosing the Best Injectable

In order to create the most aesthetically appealing results, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with a member of the Destination Aesthetics team. During a consultation, we can discuss your cosmetic goals and perform an evaluation that will help us determine the best treatment options for your brow lift. Depending on the amount of excess skin present as well as the volume already present in the face, a specific regimen will be crafted. For instance, individuals who have sunken features in their face may benefit more from dermal filler injections and ultherapy while someone with heavy lines and drooping skin may require BOTOX® or Dysport.

We can help you achieve a more youthful countenance, vibrant expressions and tighter skin with a nonsurgical brow lift crafted specifically for you. If you would like more information about our brow lift procedures, please give us a call and schedule a consultation.